Tuesday, July 17, 2007

決勝を咀嚼する More on GF








ところで決勝リーグの審査員をするというのは別に大して楽しい仕事ではありません.漫然と観客席で聞くよりは真剣みを持って聞くので理解度はあがります.だから自分の勉強の機会としては費用対効果が上がり嬉しいわけですが,まあその程度のことです.あとは他人からの評価が高かったという嬉しさでしょうけど,ぶっちゃけ「俺を決勝に残せ」的圧力をかける人もいて,もうそこまで行くとただのエゴです.私の場合,EFL(English as a Foreign Language)の審査員が豪亜大会の決勝戦を任されたのはおそらく史上初,ということでそういう自分の中でのちょっとした達成感はありましたが,これも今となっては最重要項目ではないように思います.














EFL(English as a Foreign Language)としての自分に置き換えて,


更にEAL(English as an Alternative Language)の決勝戦も設けられています.









1. Where was the border?

I wondered why I felt the negative "stepped too far in to that nonsense" and thought over again where the line was. And then, found that the assumption of the negative was that there are superior people and inferior ones at the end of the day. I probably found that part contradictory with other arguments from the negative. "With or without disability, coming a different sort of cropper or not, being gifted & talented or not...regardless all of such, life is life. Value of life is not measurable and should be eaually respected. " If the negative was affirming the life style of autism in that approach, I probably felt consistent with their stance that "it's not a disability but a difference." However, when they said that autism is a frontier of evolution and they are more genius than we are, it sounded a bit oddly contradicting with their stance. It sounded as if there were, at the end of the day, superior persons and inferior ones. Then, the negative claim that we shouldn't reform people didn't sound real either. So, I think those sub-arguments from the negative was strategically damaging.

2. Intermission (adjudicating international tournaments)

When we had some chats among adjudicators after voting and stuff, it was difficult for me to fully explain the things I wrote in the last post. (I feel extremely uncomfortable whenever someone says masako doesn't have language barrier anymore. I DO. I DO. I DO. How do they know what I really want to say?? So, annoying...)

Anyway, because I have the language barrier, I think I need even more effort to sharpen my ideas. What I wanted to say right after the round was like the last post. But that's not enough. I should have stepped further and gotten ready to express the above in this post IMMEDIATELY. (You might think it's not still clear enough but for me, at least, clearer and structured comparing to the last one) I really need to improve my speed of my thought precisely because I'm suffering for the language barrier.

Okay, let's move to the language barrier thing.

3. Are the arguments applicable if we replace autism with EAL?

The topic we got this time was about autistic children. But there are many sorts of "barriers" in our life everywhere. For example in my case, the language barrier is clearly a "disability" as an international debater/adjudicator. At the same time, I probably have very unique and different perspectives that I gain from Japanese language, media and culture. So, yes, my diability can be a difference. Moreover, that difference is often seen as "irrelevance" at international tournaments and diminished. I'm strongly encouraged to "normalized" my ideas and language by the tournament structure.

Perhaps, it become to sound similar to the content discussed at the grand final?
I don't have an experience as an autistic or any other physical disability.
But hope to imagine how they would feel with applying the arguments to issues as an EFL(English as a Foreign Language). When I don't have a direct experience, I believe it is important to try indirect experience (reading, hearing) and utilizing imagination.

Obviously, this part did not affect my decision over the grand final in any way.

The affirmative said that the burden on individuals (autistic kids and their families) is away too heavy and they should be supported by public fund. Hmmm... EFL participants do suffer for the burden. Learning English itself is an enormous suffer. But overcoming the media difference (= "normalizing our ideas") is even more painful. Financial burden, time we have to spend, tears and toils are indeed huge. And yes, we do have some sort of "support" by tournaments. They are now showing the motions in written form on projectors, we are now allowed to use electronic dictionaries, in some cases, we are even allowed to approach DCAs to clarify terms in motions.
And yes, there are EAL(English as an Alternative Language) Finals. I don't think they are enough "support" but let's assume they are.

Then the negative's stance was that such supports rather deminish our difference that we should rather appreciate to begin with. If they show motions on projectors, clarify terms in motions or provide EAL finals, then the tournament rather pressure EAL debaters to "normalize" them further. And they also deny how EALs are wonderful while EALs are more special and genius than ENLs.

..............hmmmmmmmm.....i...don't know...

The problem is such a "normalization" pressure was heavy even before such remedies. 9 years ago, EFLs were feeling that they have to improve their English, to ease their accents, to gain more "natural" expressions in English as heavy as today. Sure, the word "normalize" sounds very offensive. But that was and is the reality, is it not?

Further more, if somebody ask me whether our own perspectives were respected when we did not have such remedies, I would definitely say NO. Social awareness does not rise only with leaving alone. Our ideas and perspectives were ignored or deminished when we did not have the remedies, too. And what should we do if we have to face linguicism or judges without cultural awareness? Who can make sure the things would go fair? And we bring 3kg dictionaries everywhere without knowing the motion we should debate on and no insentive like EAL award was given after such tears and toils. If somebody who says we should reject such remedies and go back to that time, I wish that person was dead.

Sure, even with remedies, things are not fair at all. Why the hell do we have to express ourselves in a language we don't feel familiar at all? Why do we have to spend enormous amount of time to become communicable to English speakers while they don't make any effort to communicate us? What sort of fairness is that? Shouldn't we be appreciated exactly because of our difference? Shouldn't they know that Japanese language has unique, beautiful and rich ideas? I agree. Sure they should.

But does that mean we shouldn't get any help in communicating in English because it makes us abandon our uniqueness and Anglonize us too much? So, should we prefer not having communication with non-Japanese speakers at all in order to preserve our uniqueness? Should we keep silence until English speakers eventually become to respect our insights? (Does such a day really come someday in future? They might realize after minor languages extinct.)

Now then, how would you answer if somebody asks you whether you think EALs are more special and superior to ENLs? It's very attempting question, isn't it? Yeah, I wanted to answer Yes, if I could. Becoming intellectual in a foreign language requires pains and toils. And such experience make us feel wanting to believe that we got something special in return. But it doesn't necessarily mean we do get something special. Sure, we probably gain wider perspectives than monolingual ones because we can access wider information. But it's more about multilingualism and nothing to do with comparison between ENL and EAL. Some ENL people do have decent second languages. Some EAL speakers are not fluent enough to gain quality information in English. So, if I was asked such a question, I would have to say NO.

So, at the end of the day, I think...
1) Opinions and ideas of EAL should be equally respected (=linguistic rights)
2) If the social structure doesn't respect their liguistic rights, some affirmative actions are needed.

This is how I feel when I apply the arguments of GF to my own personal experiences.
And still feel difficult to nod for negative's argument.


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