【Book】生態学的視覚論 The Ecological Approach to Visual Perception
【本】ギブソン,ジェームズ.古崎敬訳.1986. 『生態学的視覚論: ヒトの知覚世界を探る』.サイエンス社.
【Book】Gibson, James. J. 1979. The Ecological Approach to Visual Perception. Hillsdale: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
The theory of information pickup makes a clear-cut separation between perception and fantasy, but it closes the supposed gap between perception and knowledge. The extracting and abstracting of invariants are what happens in both perceiving and knowing. To perceive the environment and to conceive it are different in degree but not in kind. (L.O.)
Knowing is an extention of perceiving. The child becomes aware of the world by looking around and looking at, by listening, feeling, smelling and tasting, but then she begins to be made aware of the world as well. She is shown things, and told things, and given models and pictures of things, and then instruments and tools and books, and finally rules and short cuts for finding out more things. (p. 258)
What are the kinds of culturally transmitted knowledge? I am uncertain, for they have not been considered at this level of description. Present-day discussions of the "media of communication" seem to me glib and superficial. I suspect that there are many kinds merging into one another, of great complexity. But I can think of three obvious ways to facilitate knowing, to aid perceiving, or to extend the limits of comprehension: the use of instruments, the use of verbal discription, and the use of pictures. Words and pictures work in a different way than do instruments, for the information is obtained at second hand. Consider them separately.
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