Saturday, April 14, 2007

[Article] 理性から感性へ From Logos to Pathos

[論文] バーブリア, ミッチェル.1997. 「社会心理学における理性から感性への移行と学術議論: 説得の社会学におけるポストモダンとポジティビズムの融和」. 『アーギュメンテーション』. 11巻.35-50頁.





[Article] Berbrier, Mitchell. 1997. From Logos to Pathos in Social Psychology and Academic Argumentation: Reconciling Postmodernism and Positivism in a Sociology of Persuasion. Argumentation. vol.11. pp.35-50

I regretfully admit that I have to disagree with this article.

The reason why interpersonal/intercultural/interlinguistic communication is difficult might be indeed because of the differences of "world view" but not necessarily pathotic difference alone. They can be as much as logical.

When we argue upon a piece of fact, we inevitably involve other "facts" in reasoning and providing examples. When we do not agree on such either, the disagreement becomes a lot more complex. Our "world-view" is formed based on huge accumulation of "facts". When the audience have particular bias on such fact judgements for sub-reasons and sub-examples, it is only and violently decided by audience's bias. It's nothing to do with "logos" "pathos" distinction, I suppose.

I wonder...

...if communication just kills weaks softly in this silence, why do we wish to communicate this hard......? Where should we refind our enthusiasm after this futility?

[Abstract of the Article]
This paper argues that one can empirically test, via positivist methods, the post-modern attack on positivist epistemologies: Postmodern perspectives hold Knowledge and Truth to be intersubjective, consensus-driven social construction. But traditional scientific approaches to knowledge, exemplified here byh the cognitive social psycology of persuasion, seem pblivious to this and continue to detach the study of attitudes, beliefs, and emotions from that of knowledge, facts and reason. Abandoning these artificial distinctions in both epistemology and method woud enable this social psycology, reconstituted as a Sociology of Persuasion, to contribute greatly to illuminating the process of Truth and Knowledge construction in social interaction. Moreover, this would facilitate academic engagement in civic discourse.

In this paper, I wish to argue that if we are to understand each other, if we are to engage in interpersonal or intercultural communication, we must recognize the intersubjective bases to our truths and attend to the effective bases of knowledge. There is a role in civic life for academics (such as social psychologists) who take 'beliefs,' 'attitudes,' and 'knowledge' as their subject matter, but this role is dependent upon the recognition that knowledge is not a matter only of logical inference and reason (logos) but of persuasive rhetorical strategies aimed at aligning emotional ties to world-vies (pathos).

[English vocab for masako]
epistemology, intersubjective, exemplify, oblivious, pastor, align, murky, dialogic, inference, adhering, creed, sterility, esoteric, vibrant, myriad, dichotomy, preclude, nominalism, epitomize, deviance, snub, reifying, chasm, voluminous, scrutinize, cogent, disjunctive, spurious

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