Sunday, April 15, 2007

[Article] パラダイム評価の基準 Standards for Paradigm Evaluation

[論文] ローランド, ロバート C. 1982. 「パラダイム評価の基準」. 『米国討論学会誌』. 18巻 冬季号. 133-140頁.



[Article] Rowland, Robert C. 1982. Standards for Paradigm Evaluation. Journal of the American Forensic Association. Vol 18, Winter. pp 133-140.

Covering the major paradigms and their basic studies.
This is something I recommend to read for somebody who is about to start learning about debate paradigms. Or Ulrich's "Adjudicating Academic Debate". Both of them give us good grasps.

The choice among paradigms is now the dominant theoretical issue in debate. Not only do disputes over debate theory increasingly focus on the contest among debate paradigms, but specific debate theories and tactics are often understandable only within the frame of reference provided by a paradigm. And in many cases, the justification for a theory or tactic comes from a paradigm or model of debate.
In addition, scientists operating within different paradigms often perceive very different realities, even when looking at the same data:
Not only do debate paradigms provide the standards by which judges evaluate debates, but paradigms actually determine what the judge perceives.
The argument is the same, in each instance, but the way that the judge views it is governed by the decision paradigm.
Here Zarefsky borrows Johnstone's use of the term ad hominem to suggest that the world views flowing from competing paradigms are so different, while still internally consistent, that no real argument can take place among the proponents of the different debate models. Kuhn makes a similar argument when he claims that the proponents of competing scientific paradigms often cannot understand each other because they see the world in such different terms.

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