Wednesday, April 04, 2007

[Book] 「NO」と言える日本 The Japan That Can Say No

[本]盛田昭夫・石原慎太郎.1989. 『「NO」と言える日本: 新日米関係の方策』. 光文社.




「born with a silver spoon in his/her mouth(生まれつき恵まれて)」を



[Book] MORITA, Akio and ISHIHARA, Shintaro. 1989. The Japan That Can Say No. Tokyo: Kobunsha.

I read this book because it is said that the English translation that circulated in US Congress was really a bad translation. And the following is the citations from English version while the above is the same parts from the original text in Japanese.

I would say... indeed it is a very poor translation. For example, "keiro" is NOT about literal color of hair. It's like translating "silver spoon in his/her mouth" as a baby literally holding a spoon in his/her mouth when he/she was born. What kind of translater can translate like this......sigh...... And this became a basis of political discussion??? unbelievable... Language barrier is scary.
Therefore, I think that the only way to erase the perception Mr. Ishihara points to where Japanese are disliked just for being Japanese is to make the above types of efforts. This is because they [Americans] are stubborn and not likely to be induced by saying "you guys change."
I have so many American friends myself that I have been accused of being an American. Since I have lived in America and have been counted as a friend by many Americans, I am not overly sensitive to what is said about me. As Ishihara has said, to Americans, they feel that because their hair color is different, it is difficult for them to know what Japanese are thinking. I think there is another important point. The structure of the Japanese language and English is different, and this affects our discussions together.
I have written this elsewhere in a book, but when Japanese read Chinese, they put in arrows and symbols to change word order, but Chinese read it directly and understand the meaning of the sentence immediately. English is the same kind of language, which is read one word after another. In sum, this means that Americans have a different sequential order in thought processes. Therefore, no matter if you use interpreters, it is impossible to interpret in the same sequential order as the thought processes that that generated the words in Japanese
. Thus, when a message is to be delivered, it is regrettable but true, that the sequential thought process of Japanese is in the minority in the world. When communicating with occidentals, who are in the majority, if things are not communicated in an order they can comprehend, they do not understand what we are saying. It is necessary that we be cognizant of this disadvantage that Japan has in this area.
In the course of my conversation with Glen Fukushima, I asked whom among the Japanese negotiators he considers the best. He immediately came up with the name of MITI's Kuroda, whom the Japanese press used to criticize for his tough positions. The press claimed that his participation aggravated the problems with the U.S. The Americans criticized him for being stubborn. Strabgely, the American negotiator named him the most effective. He is stubborn and is able to say "no" decisively whenever he should do so. The Americans usually try to overpower negotiations by increasing pressure. But Kuroda does not feel that he must say "yes" to American pressure. America is a giant in many ways, and, in many ways, Japan is a dwarf. This obvious contrast has been exploited by the Americans often in the past.
Mr. Kuroda kept pointing out that irrational pressure is not always the result of reason or logic, and reinforced this position by withstanding increased pressure
. His "no" is not a no for its own sake; he always states his reasons. This is the proper approach and attitude in negotiations. In the past, there have been allegations that Japanese logic and opinions have not made any sense to the other side.
When the opposing side points out that Japanese opinions and demands have no logical basis, all of a sudden the illogical Japanese start saying "yes, yes, yes..." in a panic. But these "yesses" do not necessarily mean yes in the sense of positive assertion. At any rate, the other side then comes to the conclusion that Japan will not take action unless pressure is placed on them. This is a rather unfortunate situation for the people of Japan. The Japanese image of being soft in the face of pressure does not help Japan's diplomatic efforts at all.
I have often suggested that at least half of Japan's diplomats stationed abroad be civilians. Those who are in business and other professions who have dealt with foreigners are in a better position to represent the interests of Japan than are career diplomats. Send Mr. Morita to America as our ambassador: a brilliant idea! But it should not be just an idea.

In negotiations among business leaders, we, top management hold discussions face to face, saying "yes" or "no", or "if you do that we will do this." However, we have a tendency to prepare answers for negotiations even in business world in Japan. Take my case, for example. Once a chairman of a large Japanese firm was vistiting me and I planned to talk to him face to face. Then, someone from that office called us and asked what I was going to talk about when we met. "Our chairman is going to say such and such. How will you respond?" They wanted to prepare all answers beforehand. I do not think we need to have meetings if the content is planned beforehand. I want Mr. Takeshita to say correctly how we, Japanese, see the present situation in the United States and tell them clearly what we want to do. (L.O.)
Because of our historical discipline, Japan has adhered to the principle that "silence is golden," but I believe Japan must insist that the United States do what must be done. An outspoken person like me is easily criticized from every corner and I am sure Mr. Ishihara has had the same experience since he is also very outspoken. But to be silent and to put up with things do not work at all in the West. As Ishihara has suggested, I think we should say what we have to say. If not, I am afraid we will lose our own identity as Japanese in the world.


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