【Book】監獄の誕生 Surveiller et Punir
【本】フーコー,ミシェル.田村俶訳.『監獄の誕生: 監視と処罰』.新潮社.
身体の運用への綿密な取締りを可能にし、体力の恒常的な束縛をゆるぎないものとし、体力に従順=効用の関係を強制するこうした方法こそが、《規律・訓練 discipline》と名づけうるものである。たしかに、ずっと以前から規律・訓練の方策は多数実在していた――修道院のなかに、軍隊のなかに、さらには仕事場のなかにも。だが規律・訓練が支配の一般方式になったのは、十七世紀および十八世紀である。身体の占有関係にもとづかない点では、それは奴隷制とは異なっている。しかも少なくともこんなに大きな効用の成果を手に入れることで高価で荒々しいかの〔奴隷制の〕関係を免れている点は、この規律・訓練の端麗さでさえある。
【Book】Foucault, Michel. Translated into English by Alan Sheridan. 1995. Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison, second vintage books edition. New York: Random House.
Reading Foucault after reading Said is painful. Reading Said after reading Foucault is amazingly easy. But Said mentions so many times that he borrowed the methodology from Foucalt in his works and makes me feel like reading Foucault... such a thorny thing...
The followings are citations.
The great book of Man-the Machine was written simultaneously on two registers: the anatomico-metaphysical register, of which Descartes wrote the first pages and which the physicians and philosophers continued, and the technico-political register, which was constituted by a whole set of regulations and by empirical and calculated methods relating to the army, the school and the hospital, for controlling or correcting the operations of the body. These two registers are quite distinct, since it was a question, on the one hand, of submission and use and, on the other, of functioning and explanation: there was a useful body and an intelligible body. And yet there are points of overlap from one to the other. La Mettrie's L'Hommemachine is both a materialist reduction of the soul and a general theory of dressage, at the centre of which reigns the notion of 'docility', which joins the analysable body to the manipulable body. A body is docile that may be subjected, used, transformed and improved.
These methods, which made possible the meticulous control of the operations of the body, which assured the constant subjection of its forces and imposed upon them a relation of docility-utility, might be called 'disciplines'. Many disciplinary methods had long been in existance - in monas - teries, armies, workshops. But in the course of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries the disciplines became general formulas of domination. They were different from slavery because they were not based on a relation of appropriation of bodies; indeed, the elegance of the discipline lay in the fact that it could dispense with this costly and violent relation by obtaining effects of utility at least as great.
【Livre】Foucault, Michel. 1975. Surveiller et Punir: Naissance de la prison, Gallimard.
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You have really great taste on catch article titles, even when you are not interested in this topic you push to read it
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