【Internet】スペ語版米国歌 U.S. Anthem in Spanish
ブッシュ氏は、国歌は英語じゃなきゃいかんでしょう、と言ったようですね。 やっぱり色々理屈を捏ねたところで、アングロサクソンな国。 けどJon Stewartがネタにしている通り、ブッシュ大統領の言い方はあまりに単純に見えます。 多様性や移民国家のアイデンティティについてよく考えた上でのコメントには到底見えないのが問題かと。
【Internet】Comedy Central. 2006. Daily Show: Stewart - Star Spangled Banner.
【Internet】BBC News. 2006. Bush criticises Spanish US anthem. April 28th.
George Bush has entered a row about the US national anthem, criticising a Spanish version featuring Wyclef Jean and Gloria Trevi.
"I think the national anthem ought to be sung in English," he said when asked at a news conference.
The song also drew derision from Mark Krakorian, head of a US think-tank called the Center for Immigration Studies.
"Would the French accept people signing the La Marseillaise in English as a sign of patriotism? Of course not."
【Internet】BBC News. 2006. Spanish US anthem raises hackles. April 28th.
【Internet】BBC News. 2006. Bush 'no good at singing Spanish'. May 4th.
The president regularly drops Spanish into his speeches, but has urged immigrants to learn English.
"The president can speak Spanish, but not all that well," said Mr McClellan, describing the singing suggestion as "absurd".
Earlier this week Mr Bush played up to his reputation for being clumsy with his native language, appearing alongside an impersonator at a White House press dinner and knowingly mocking his sometimes garbled English.
Critics of the president allege that his declared opposition to the new version of the national anthem - entitled Nuestro Himno - smacks of hypocrisy considering his regular experiments with Spanish.
However, quips aside, Mr Bush used the occasion to stress his support for the study of English.
"Those who come here to start new lives in our country have a responsibility... to learn the English language so they can better understand our national character and participate fully in American life," he said.
Language has become a side issue in an ongoing debate over immigration rights in the US.
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