Monday, April 10, 2006

【Article】曖昧さの認識説 Epistemic Theory of Vagueness

【論文】ジャクソン,フランク.2002. 「言語、思考、曖昧さの認識説」.『言語とコミュニケーション』.22巻3号.269-279頁



【Article】Jackson, Frank. 2002. Language, thought and the epistemic theory of vagueness. Language & Communication. Vol.22 Issue3. pp.269-279

This article is against the epistemic theory of vagueness.

How much bald a man turns makes you say he is bald? That is an example to let readers get the idea about the theory. He opens his case with this example and actually, uses this same example until the end of this article. People who have complexed feeling about their hair might get offended. But very easy to read while the theme is a complicated one.

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