【Book】知識人とは何か Representations of the intellectual
【本】エドワード・サイード. 1998. 『知識人とは何か』(大橋洋一訳)東京:平凡社
- 知識人とは亡命者にして周辺的存在であり、またアマチュアであり、さらには権力に対して真実を語ろうとする言葉の使い手である。
- またこのようないとなみを成功させるには、劇的なもの、反抗的なものに敏感に反応するような感性を養い、ただでさえすくない発言の機会を最大限利用し、聴衆の注意を一身にひきつけ、吉とユーモア、それに論争術で敵対者を凌駕するよう心がけねばならない。(中略)知識人には、虚飾と尊大な身振りよりも、自己に対する冷笑こそ似つかわしく、言葉を濁すことよりも、ずけずけものを言うことのほうが似つかわしい。
- わたしにとってなにより重要な事実は、知識人が、公衆に向けて、あるいは公衆になりかわって、メッセージなり、思想なり、姿勢なり、哲学なり、意見なりを、表象=代弁(レプリゼント)し肉付けし明晰に言語化できる能力にめぐまれた個人であるということだ。
【Book】 Said, Edward W. 1994. Representations of the Intellectual, The 1993 Reith Lectures. London: Vintage
It's Namiki Shu-san who wrote that debate is liberal arts of liberal arts (Shu Namiki (1997) Academic Debate toward Next Millennium, Debate Forum, Volume XII Number 4, NAFA Press, Tokyo, p20). When I read this Said's work, I remind the words of Namiki-san a lot.
The intellectual that Said talk about in this book is far beyound knowledgeable people. It seems that he saw incredibly heavy responsibility of them backed by ethics, philosopy or something in that kind. And the responsibility is to be a good debater. (It doesn't mean that debaters are good intellectuals but intellectuals are good debaters. Unfortunately. :p)
He says in this book, for example,
- Hence my characterizations of the intellectual as exile and marginal, as amateur, and as the author of a language that tries to speak the truth to power.
- It involves a sense of the dramatic and of the insurgent, making a great deal of one’s rare opportunities to speak, catching the audience’s attention, being better at wit and debate than one’s opponents. And there is something fundamentally unsettling about intellectuals who have neither offices to protect nor territory to consolidate and guard; self-irony is therefore more frequent than pomposity, directness more than hemming and hawing.
- The central fact for me is, I think, that the intellectual is an individual endowed with a faculty for representing, embodying, articulating a message, a view, an attitude, philosophy or opinion to, as well as for, a public.
This book makes me feel "I have to work harder!!". :p Because I'm not either good intellectual or good debater and feel so guily for not being so despite of tons of opportunities to learn debating...mmm... Well, one step a time, ne! :)
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