Sunday, April 09, 2006

【Book】記憶の形象 Embodiment of Our Memories

【本】槙文彦. 1992. 『記憶の形象』.東京:筑摩書房



【Book】MAKI, Fumihiko. 1992. Kiokuno Keisho [Enbodiment of Our Memories] . Tokyo: Chikumashobo

When I read this for the first time, I was studying about townscape preservation. Obviously, my focus was on Maki Fumihiko as an architect. But when I read this again now, I find this book interesting not only as a book about city planning and architecture designing.

The part I felt most interesting this time was how he dealt with "student power" at Harvard. It must be very difficult to talk about design without touching history behind it at all. When the students refused to learn about "past" -even refused to hear the name of Corbusier, how was he supposed to run a class on architecture designing? He thought a lot about the relation between communication and embodiment of our memories. His words like "if you refuse current models, you have to come up with an alternative." makes sense to me as a debater now.

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