Monday, April 10, 2006

【DVD】占領地への道程 Journey to the Occupied Lands

【ドキュメンタリー番組】「占領地への道程」(PBS Frontline)





【Documentary Program】 "Journey to the Occupied Lands" (PBS Frontline)

Great work.

In this film, the director interviews both Jews and Palestinians visiting Gaza and West Bank in three years. Both parties explain their perspectives with very plain English words. (I wish if I could understand Arabic language...) But in such a calm, plain, ordinary daily life, we can see how it is difficult for them to reach agreements and mutual compromises.

It told me how their concepts of "owning land" are different each other.

Comparing to "the Longest Hatred" which projects Jewish perspective more, it seems to me that this program show more Palestinian perspective.

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