Sunday, April 09, 2006

【DVD】マック毀損 McLibel

【ドキュメンタリー映画】 『マック毀損』 (2005)



しかし,そうそうたる顔ぶれの弁護団を擁するマクドナルドに対し,この二人にはLegal advisorすらいない状態。しかも証明責任は一方的に彼らの側に。負けたら禁固刑!という闘いを前にそれでも降伏しない二人。

1985年から実に15年間、言論の自由と名誉毀損訴訟を公平にするため、闘い続けた素人二人組みの話。 音楽がちょっと安っぽいが,それさえも心地よいヒロイックな物語。これがドキュメンタリーだなんて凄い!

【Documentary Film】 McLibel (2005)

This is right in my strike zone. :) I love this film!

When mass-media and NPOs started criticizing McDonald for providing unhealthy food, bad for environment, poor labor condition, etc. etc..., McDonald responded immediately. "If you don't apologize, you are going to be sued." When even giant media surrendered one after another, two people stood up. One was a gardener. Another was a postman. "Protect our right to criticize big corporations!"

But while McDonald had a very high standard (and expensive) lawyer's team, they didn't have even a legal advisor. And burden of proof is completely on them not McDonald. If they lose, that means that they would spend years in jail! And they still don't surrender.

Since 1985, for 15 years, the two lay people fought for freedom of speech and fairness of libel cases. BGM is a bit cheezy. But so what!? Even cheezy music makes me so tuned into this heroic story. It's a surprise that this is a documentary.

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