【Book】消えゆく言語たち vanishing voices
【本】ネトル,ダニエル・ロメイン,スザンヌ.島村宣男訳.2001.『消えゆく言語たち: 失われることば、失われる世界』.新曜社.
【Book】 Nettle, Daniel and Romaine, Suzanne. 2000. Vanishing Voices: The Extinction of the World's Languages. NY: Oxford University Press
I drop tears when I read this book. My mother tongue, Japanese has more than 100 million speakers. It's something more than a fortune. But we cannot be sure that it will stay being so in future.
If you were the last Japanese speaker on earth. Nobody else than you understand Japanese language. How would you feel? How despair and solitude you would be...
There are many people who are actually in such a situation in this world today. Wish if there was anything I could do for them...
Few people seem to know or care the most of Australia's 250 aboriginal languages have already vanished and few are likely to survive over the long term. No young children are learning any of the nearly 100 native languages spoken in what is now the state of California. The last Manx speaker died in 1974. The same gloomy story can be told for many other languages all over the world: At least half the world's languages could be extinct in the next century. What has happened to extinguish these diverse voices?
Some have also used the terms "language murder" and "language suicide" suggesting that languages do not die natural deaths. They are instead murdered. English, as Glanville Price put it, is a "killer language." Thus, it has been said that Irish, for instance, was murdered by English. Others, however, have in effect put the blame on Irish by saying that the language committed suicide. The Irish writer Flann O'Brien, although pro-Irish, resented and rejected the attempt to revive the Irish language, because he was of the opinion that the difficulties faced by Irish were "due mainly to the fact that the Gaels deliberately flung that instrument of beauty and precision from them." (L.O.)
The notion of language suicide of course puts the blame squarely on the victim. This view is not constructive and in any case, is ill-founded. People do not kill themselves on a whim. Suicide is indicative of mental and often phsysical illness brought about by undue stress. Likewise, people do not fling away their languages for no good reason. We will show throughout this book how many instances of language shift and death occur under duress and stressful social circumstances, where there is no realistic choice but to give in. Many people stop speaking their languages out of self-defense as a survival strategy.
Moreover, every people has a right to their own language, to preserve it as a cultural resource and to transmit it to their children.
It is hard for most English speakers to imagine what it might mean if the English language were to die and they would no longer be able to speak it as they went about their daily activities. How would it feel to be the last speaker of Englih on earth? (L.O.)
While campaigns are mounted to protect and conserve whales, spotted owls, and other natural resources, languages are overlooked. There has been little support from international organizations like the United Nations for preserving languages.
The elites of the newly independent countries were in general raised to their positions through the colonial system. They were highly westernized, and generally users of the Western languages. (L.O.) These factors have meant that the linguistic structure of colonialism has seldom been undone. The colonial languages English and French, for example, have scarcely been challenged as the languages of power and aspiration in Africa, and their spread is leading to the top-down displacement of numerous other tongues.
Minority rights overlap substantially with linguistic rights insofar as language death is a symptom of loss of self-regulation of a group's affairs. (L.O.) Discussion of a recent Universal Declaration of Linguistic Rights is taking place under the auspices of UNESCO.
Such legislation should guarantee that everyone has the right to identify with his or her mother tongue and have this identification accepted and respected by others, and have the opportunity to learn the mother tongue orally and in writing. In most cases, this requires indigenous and minority children to be educated through the medium of their mother tongue and use the language in official situations such as school, work, and governement. And people whose mother tongue is not an official language in the country where they are resident should be fully encouraged to become bilingual (or multilingual, if they have more than one mother tongue), in their mother tongue as well as the official language or languages --- according to their choice.
As recently as 1986, then-Japanese Prime Minister Nakasone reasserted that "Japan is a nation of homogeneous people," continuing a history of violation of the International Covenants on Human Rights. When in 1991 the government finally admitted the existence of some 100,000 Ainu people as an ethnic minority as defined by the covenants, it still refused to acknowledge that the Ainu are indigenous.
It has been said that bilingualism cannot be shoved down people's throats. Neither should monolingualism, either by fiat or benign neglect. As events of the past few years and the present in various parts of the world show, our global villege must be truly multicultural and multilingual, or it will not exist at all.
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