Monday, April 17, 2006

【Book】トポフィリア Topophilia


うちの学科の必需品・・・かと思いきや読んでる人が意外に少ない。 環境(特に景観美や風景美の感性)と人間の生理・心理特性との関係について。

この本に出てくる場所への偏愛というのは極端でなければ誰でも持つもの。郷土愛の類。 四章の自民族中心主義の説明は大雑把だけど的を射ていると思う。

【Book】Tuan, Yi-fu.1974. Topophilia. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall Inc.

This book matches with the name of the faculty here. Wonder why only few people read this. This work explore the relationship between sense of beauty of scenery and biological and phycological characters of human being.

Things that this book mentions as "topophilia" is nothing very special despite of the sound of "philia" but something everybody has. If you feel nostalgic when you see the scenery of your hometown, that's topophilia that he is talking about in this book. :)

The fourth chapter talks about ethnocentrism with a very rough grasp. Although "ethnocentrism" sounds a bit too strong, the content makes sense, I supoose.

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