Monday, April 10, 2006

【Book】一九九一年日本の敗北 1991: Japan Lost

【ルポルタージュ】手嶋龍一.1993. 『一九九一年 日本の敗北』.新潮社





【Reportage】TESHIMA, Ryuichi. 1993. 1991: Japan Lost. Tokyo: Shinchosha

Persian Gulf War stroke the international society suddenly. While international community formed the multi-national force very fast, Japan was stuck very badly.

1) Japanese citizens captured and became "Human Shield"
2) Crisis of US-Japan alliance
3) Shaking Diet with heating debate over the Article 9 (prohibiting intervention in foreign war)
4) Endless Fights over the turf among ministries
5) Risking the oil supply from Persian Gulf which was (and is) a life line of Japanese economy
6) Stormy Japan Bashing

It was something more than just a pile of problems. Japanese tax payers accepted emergent tax increase for raising 9 billion USD to support the multi-national force. And then, they found that international society was expecting "blood" tax in literal meaning. (In Japanese, ordinary tax is also expressed as "blood tax") So, was the Article 9 just a huge piece of nonsense at the end of the day? That became a significant turning point for the debate over Pacifism in Japan. This book explains what was the Persian Gulf War for Japan based on a very detailed research.

This excellent work of Teshima Ryuichi who was a senior correspondant of NHK back then told me how powerful a reportage can be. :)

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