Wednesday, April 19, 2006

【Book】アルジャジーラ AL-JAZEERA

【本】マイルズ,ヒュー.河野純治訳.2005.『アルジャジーラ 報道の戦争』.光文社.


【Book】 Miles, Hugh. 2005. AL-JAZEERA. London: Abucus.

Followings are quotasions.
In a telling display of the regime's new-found media awareness, during an interview with the Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister, Tariq Aziz, although both he and his interviewer were native Arabic speakers, when he came to condemn the bombing he would switch to English. By speaking in English, he hoped his remarks would be more widely quoted on Western radio and television and so maximize his chances of influencing Western public opinion against the air strikes. In the event, he was probably right.
Al-Jazeera's New York correspondent, Abdul Rahim Foukara said:

  • When I look at the American media from an emotional point of view, as an Arab living in America, it's obviously very upsetting, in the same way I would imagine it would be for an American perhaps watching Al-Jazeera or Al-Arabiy or any other Arab channel. But when I look at American news --- and American media owners make no bones about it --- they're almost willing to acknowledge that they're running a business rather than news. So when you look at it through those eyes, I'm not saying it's justified, but you understand why it is the way it is. When it's anti-Arab you know that television is out there to make money, and anti-Arab sentiment becomes a commodity just like any other commodity that you sell.
But Al-Jazeera has reversed the flow of information so that now, for the first time in hundreds of years, it passes from East to West. (L.O.)
If, with the launch of the English-language channel, Al-Jazeera successfully manages to introduce hundreds of millions of Arabs to the international community, the network stands to reap impressive rewards. It is a gamble --- either Al-Jazeera loses its reputation as an enfant terrible and joins the ranks of the world's most prestigious news organizations --- which it so desperately wants to do, or it becomes bureaucratized and dull, or perhaps it morphs into something new.

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